Transient – Part 3

I hope you enjoyed last week’s knitting.  This week brings us to the end of worrying over stopping points at the color changes, stitch counts and yardage.  From now on, the yarn is the boss!

Section 6 – BBBC, BBCC, BCCC

We begin Section 6 with 126 stitches on the needle.  This is the required amount needed for our upcoming lace section.  It doesn’t matter if you have some of BBBB remaining or if you started knitting with BBBC in the last section.  126 stitches is all you need and you can toss the other worries aside.

Section 6 is a simple lace repeat that is pivotal to the design.  In this section, three color ways are worked through to showcase the lace and the interesting gradient nature of the changes.  The beauty of this lace pattern is that it can be stopped after ANY wrong side row.  Everyone will stop Section 6 once CCCC emerges.

Begin by working Rows 125 – 136.  While the repeat (stitches after the *) is the same in every Right Side row, be careful to knit the correct number of stitches before and after the repeat in each row to establish the pattern.  After Row 136, repeat each of the rows until the appearance of CCCC in your work ending after working a Wrong Side row.  If your yarn changed to CCCC on a Right Side row, no worries;  just knit one more Wrong Side row.  It is completely fine if your yarn in this last row is all CCCC.

I knit several sample shawls and my yarn changed at different points somewhere in Rows 156-158.  It is completely fine if yours changes in a different row!  Just remember to finish after a Wrong Side row and you are good to go.  In the instructions I list my stitch count and rows for the sample seen pictured here.

I still like to keep track of my row numbers even though it doesn’t really matter where the section ends. My brain just feels more comfortable with marking the rows as seen in the photo below.  You can also use hash marks or a sticky note to keep track as well.

If you are unable to knit with Concentric, follow the row directions for Section 6 ending after Row 158.  Due to the absence of precise color changes, non – Concentric knitters will need to keep track of the row numbers to complete each section.

Section 7

This section is another garter stitch buffer and is knit in CCCC.  Just like the previous section, it doesn’t matter how many rows or stitches you have at its conclusion.  All that is necessary is to stop once the yarn changes to CCCD, ending after a Wrong Side row.  At the completion of the final Wrong Side row, there should be an even number of stitches on the needle – that is all you need.  Next week’s Section 8 will bring us a fun pattern to work over these even numbered stitches.

As noted below, my yarn changed to CCCD mid-row on Row 167, and I finished Section 7 after Row 168. (170 sts) It is perfectly fine if you ended on a different row and stitch count!

Non-Concentric knitters will work through Row 168 (170 sts).

I loved this section and I hope you have fun with it, too!

Happy knitting,
