
Yummy New Yarn Color

I thought I would tease you with a photo of one of the yarns I used for the Simplicity shawlette in the upcoming KAL. It is #48 Hillcreek Gold and I am in love with this color! This gorgeous butterscotch color can be found in in every fashion magazine as the season’s new “it” color. Now I can knit my way to a stylish accessory.

New Knit Along – Coming Soon!

They’re Baaack…

skacel collection, inc. and Michelle Hunter of Knit Purl Hunter are joining forces once again for another exciting Knit-Along beginning this Fall!

“Progressive Needles:

Continuing Education for the Knitter”

This upcoming KAL will feature a mystery project each month, for 4 months!  While we can’t give you too many details, we can share the basics:

October:  Create a knitted shawlette with Simplicity by HiKoo

November:  Luxury socks knit with Royal, a sumptuous yet durable sock yarn from Austermann

January:  Mittens worked out of HiKoo’s Simpliworsted

February:  A sock encore, again making use of Austermann’s Royal

Video guidance will be provided on the Knit Purl Hunter website.  Weekly and monthly prizes will be awarded by skacel collection, inc.

Be sure to subscribe to Knit Purl Hunter to receive an email this summer with more information.

Join the eletter list by clicking on the “Subscribe” button located at the bottom of the Knit Purl Hunter home page.

New Beginnings

I was recently teaching a skill building class where a knitter was grumbling about having to unknit a row after realizing she had made a mistake in the stitch pattern. Everyone in the class agreed that they hated making mistakes – all except for Katy. Katy smiled sweetly and proclaimed, “I think of every row as a new beginning. I just keep on knitting.” The class howled with laughter!

While most people strive for perfection, Katy just enjoys the process and knits for the pleasure of it. Her work is just like her – fresh, unique and fun! I love her positive perspective!!

Fashion Show

Stitches South was full of amazing events.  The fashion show on Friday night was wonderful with so many beautiful garments modeled.  The biggest trend in yarn that I noticed was the return to metallic fibers.  This makes perfect sense since metallic infused garments are all the rage in clothing retail shops.  I had the delight in watching 4 of the Knit Along projects cruise down the runway!

Stitches South

The best part of Stitches South was meeting so many fellow KAL knitters! A big thank you to all the knitters who stopped by the Skacel booth to say hello and show off their lovely projects. I adore making new friends online and it is a real treat to hug them in person.

I met monthly winners who couldn’t wait to thank Skacel for the lovely prizes. I also got to meet many first time sock knitters who have joined the legion of sockaholics.

It was a blast seeing hand knit socks on so many participants. I let a big squeal out when I saw Center of Attention socks cruising along the aisleways!

A special thanks to the shops supporting the Trekking KAL in their shops! So many of you stopped by to say hello and I appreciate all your kind words.

Count your Stitches!

You’ve heard of the carpenter’s mantra, “Measure twice, cut once.” Knitters should count their stitches twice, knit once. It is painful to get to the end of a 187 stitch set up row and find out you only cast on 186 stitches!

Advice from Grandma

My grandmother, Ann Davalla, taught me to knit as a young girl. I can still see her care worn hands guiding me through the stitches. I learned many things from Grandma over the years, but one of her favorite sayings about knitting has stuck with me.
It happened when I became very frustrated after finding a mistake deep in my knitting. Grandma calmly looked at the mistake and said, “If it is perfect, it was made on a machine.”
How liberating that phrase was to me! Grandma gave me permission to be human and a reason to accept my mistake. I think this knitting lesson could apply to life in general. So be human and knit on!