Binding off the last row is simple, but binding off at the ends of a row (armholes, lace points) or in the middle of a row (necklines, buttonholes) is handled differently. Watch this video to learn to properly count your stitches and expertly shape garments.
Category: Video Lessons
Knit Purl Hunter video lessons are listed below in alphabetical order. Just click on the post title to view the video.
Bind Off – Last Stitch Fix
Is your last bind off stitch loose and wonky? Try this simple tip for a smooth and professional final bind off stitch.
Bind Off in Pattern
Many times a pattern ends by directing the knitter to bind off in pattern. This instruction means that you should use the standard bind off method while maintaining the stitch pattern used in the project. For example, if you are knitting a k2, p2 rib then you should continue with this rib as you bind off. Binding off in pattern makes the edge more compatible with the design. It is especially nice to use when the bind off edge is exposed as in a neckline or cuff. Watch this video and add a discriminating touch to your next project!
Blocking is the process of using steam or water on a knitted fabric and then pinning into shape. It gives knitting a smooth, professional finish. Blocking also presents the opportunity to adjust the fabric to the desired dimensions.
I like to think of blocking in these terms: Would you want to wear a carefully pressed shirt or one that was rumpled in the dryer? Answer: There is nothing wrong with an unpressed shirt or unblocked knitted garment. However, an ironed shirt and a blocked knitted garment are infinitely more impressive. You spent countless hours knitting your work of art so take the extra time to give it the professional finish it deserves! As a bonus, blocking can smooth seams, adjust the size and erase irregularities.
Like mom always said, “A job worth doing is worth doing well.”
Watch this blocking demonstration and take your knitting to the next level.
Blocking with Wires
Blocking wires are a fabulous way to finish many knitted pieces and is especially helpful with lace work. The wires are threaded through the edges of the piece providing straight lines and the ability to open up intricate lace designs along scalloped and pointed edges.
Bobbles add texture and charm to any knitted garment. There are many ways to execute a bobble and my favorite is demonstrated in this video. This simple bobble has its origin in Irish knitting and finds its way into many Aran sweaters.
Bobbles – Japanese version
This tidy little 3-stitch bobble is found in many Japanese patterns. It uses the Central Double Decrease at its conclusion for a neat appearance. Try it and compare to other bobbles – this may become your new favorite!
Braided Cowl
Create a unique cowl with my Intertwisted pattern. Three knitted panels are braided for a textured and stylish accessory. Beware, this pattern is addicting – you can’t stop at just one!