Scoreboard 2.0



Click here to download printable version

Questions are also monitored daily through the end of the season in the Knit Purl Hunter group on Ravelry.


Featured Yarn

HiKoo Simplicity, 55% Merino superwash, 28% acrylic, 17% nylon; 117 yds / 50g; uses two team colors, approx. 3 (6) skeins each.

Optional – one skein of a third color for a visual break between games.

addi Needles

Two 4.5mm (approx. US 7) 16” circular needles

(Second needle is needed to graft stitches using Kitchener Stitch)

Additional Notions

Tapestry needle, stitch marker, approx. 1 yd of waste yarn, Size G crochet hook – for provisional cast on


21 stitches and 27 rounds = 4” in Stockinette Stitch


Small (Large)

Average cowl is 8” wide, approx. 40 (94)” around.

Length around varies with total number of points scored.


MC – Main Color. Primary color that represents your favorite team.

CC – Contrasting Color. Secondary color that will always represent the opponent.

CC2 – Contrasting Color 2. Optional third color used to separate games.


  • Cowl is worked in the two colors of your favorite team.
  • Primary color represents your team (MC).
  • Secondary color will always represent the opponent (CC).
  • All stitches are worked in knit.
  • When changing colors, work the Jogless Stripe technique for smooth color transitions.  See Jogless Stripe video
  • When working stripes that are 4 or more rounds high, carry the unused yarn with the working yarn by twisting the yarns together on the wrong side at the beginning of every 4th round as in photo below.  See Carrying Yarns in Circular Knitting video




All Sizes

With waste yarn, cast on 80 stitches using a Provisional Cast On.  See Provisional Cast On video

Place marker and join in the round, taking care not to twist the stitches.

Upon completion of first round (as described below), place a Lifeline through the stitches to aid in removal of provisional cast on at end of project. See Lifeline video

Short Version (shown above)

The striping sequence is determined by the order of the scores in each game. Knit two rounds in designated color each time a team scores. A score can be a field goal, touchdown (includes extra point), or safety.

Example game summary:

Favorite team scores a touchdown – knit 2 rounds MC

Favorite team scores a field goal – knit 2 rounds MC

Opponent scores a touchdown – knit 2 rounds CC

Favorite team scores a touchdown – knit 2 rounds MC

Opponent scores a field goal – knit 2 rounds CC

Total = 10 rounds knit for game.

Work as above for each game of the season.


Long Version (shown below)

The striping sequence is determined by the order and amount of the points scored in each game. Knit one round in designated color every time a team scores a point.

Example game summary:

Favorite team scores a touchdown – knit 6 rounds MC

Favorite team’s extra point is good – knit 1 round MC

Opponent scores a field goal – knit 3 rounds CC

Favorite team scores a touch down – knit 6 rounds MC

Favorite scores a 2-point conversion – knit 2 rounds MC

Opponent scores a touchdown and extra point – knit 7 rounds CC

Favorite team scores a field goal – knit 3 rounds MC

Total = 28 rounds knit for game.

Work rounds based on the points for each game of the season.


Both Sizes

If desired, a visual separation between the games of the season can be worked using the optional third color:

  • Option 1 Game Separation: At conclusion of game, and using CC2, knit one round, purl one round, knit one round to denote end of game with a textured break.
  • Option 2 Game Separation: At conclusion of game, and using CC2, knit one round to denote end of game with a small stripe of color 3.



Weave in all ends prior to closing tube.

Break yarn leaving 60” tail.

Using the Lifeline as a guide, thread the second circular needle through Round 1 and remove the waste yarn used for the provisional cast on.

Thread tail onto tapestry needle and close tube by grafting stitches with Kitchener Stitch.  See Kitchener Stitch in the Round video

If desired, weave in the tail onto the Right Side using Duplicate Stitch.  See Duplicate Stitch video

©2016 Michelle Hunter


For an overview of the project, watch my Scoreboard KAL video.

Colormatic – Part 4



Our second, and last section of mosaic knitting is complete and it is time to knit Section 4 and close our tube.  You may have already guessed that Section 4 returns us to the Saw Tooth Stripes pattern.  This section’s design brings continuity to the scale and color of the fabric.  This last section is worked on the smaller needle size in Colors B and D.  It is vital to end the last repeat of the pattern after Round 4 for an invisible join.

VERY IMPORTANT – Before closing the tube, weave in all ends on the wrong side except for the long 80″ tail.

Our tube is joined by grafting the live stitches at each end to each other with the Kitchener Stitch.  The 80″ tail in Color B at the beginning of the project will serve as the seaming yarn and will leave the cowl with an invisible join.  It is a thing of beauty! (see photo below)


If you are new to the Kitchener Stitch, I recommend practicing the technique on a small piece before closing the cowl.  Make two swatches as follows:  Cast on a small number of stitches (10 or so) and work in stockinette for a few rows ending after a purl row.  Do not bind off.  With wrong sides together, work the Kitchener Stitch to join the two swatches.  See Kitchener Stitch Video

Before grafting, the waste yarn must be removed to reveal its live stitches.  Using your larger circular needle (it’s okay that the needles at each end are different sizes), go through each stitch in the first round below the the waste yarn.  This step is made very easy thanks to the lifeline that was placed in this round.  Simply follow the path of the lifeline yarn and you will perfectly capture each stitch.  Count the stitches on the needle to ensure that there are 84 stitches before removing the waste yarn.  To remove the waste yarn, unzip the extra chain stitches at the end of the cast on and gently pull out the cast on stitches.  Remove the lifeline yarn and you are ready to graft.

As promised, I have a video to guide you through grafting Colormatic.  It is best to work this step without interruption – so carve out some quiet time, pour a cup of tea and let the magic happen!  See Kitchener in the Round Video

To simplify the grafting of Colormatic, I found it a HUGE help to section groups of stitches with markers on both open ends of the cowl.  I placed a removable marker (a piece of tied yarn will suffice) after every 12 stitches on each needle.  If worked correctly, the markers will be reached simultaneously as you graft pairs of stitches.  This isolation of stitches allowed me to stay on track during the long Kitchener process.

When working the Kitchener Stitch in the round, it is not necessary to perform the usual set up stitches on the first stitch of each needle.  However, to keep the end of the round tidy I place a marker in each of these stitches and pass through them at the end of the round.  (This is demonstrated quite nicely in the video.)  As I work my way around the cowl, I pause after every few stitches to adjust the tension of the seaming yarn.  The goal is to have the stitches created in the grafting to be the same size as the stitches above and below.  Take your time and it will be great!

Once all the stitches have been grafted, weave the remaining tail into the right side of the cowl using the Duplicate Stitch.  This handy little technique is also fabulous to use in repair work or as an embellishment to stockinette.  See Duplicate Stitch Video

End your project with blocking.  This last step will even out the stitches and allow the yarn to soften and bloom.  Give the cowl a bath in cold water and gently squeeze out the excess water.  Lay the cowl flat – it will be doubled on itself.  Use this opportunity to straighten the rounds that may have spiraled a bit on you in the knitting process.  I place the beginning of the round at the side edge to mask the slight jog in the Saw Tooth sections.  You may pin through the layers if needed.  Allow your cowl to dry and then enjoy!

Whether your Colormatic is short or long, it can be twisted and turned to showcase the different stitch patterns in many ways.  I hope you love wearing yours as much as I do!



Thank you so much for knitting with me!  Be sure to enter your cowl in the prize drawing by November 15th.  Every entry tells our sponsor, Skacel Collection, that you enjoy the KAL and want it to continue.  Scroll down to the end of the post for information on the January 2014 KAL.

Happy knitting,


Part Four

Click here to download printable version



Section Four

Using Colors B and D, change to smaller needle and work Saw Tooth Stripes pattern (below) for 6 (16)” ending after Round 4.  DO NOT BIND OFF!

Saw Tooth Stripes

Round 1.  With Color D – *sl 1, k1; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 2.  With Color D – knit.

Round 3.  With Color D –  knit.

Round 4.  With Color B – *k1, sl 1; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 5.  With Color B – knit.

Round 6.  With Color B – knit.



Weave in all ends except for 80” tail at cast on edge.

Remove waste yarn and place resulting live stitches on second circular needle.

With Color B, graft live stitches using Kitchener Stitch.

See Kitchener in the Round Video

Wet block lightly to even stitches and allow yarn to soften and bloom.


With so many color work patterns and designs, I may need more yarn!

(c)2013 Michelle Hunter

January KAL


Join me in 2014 as we return to sock knitting with a unique two at a time sock pattern.  This pattern is suitable for men and women and features techniques new to the series.  Subscribe to my newsletter to receive an email reminder.

Supply List

  • 2 skeins, CoBaSi by HiKoo, 50g/220 yards each, 55% cotton, 16% bamboo, 8% silk, 21% elastic nylon
  • US #1 (2.5mm) 40″ circular needle or size necessary to achieve approx. gauge of 8.5 stitches per inch.

Sample knit with Cobasi color #12 on addi Sock Rockets.

Colormatic – Part 3



With its larger scale, Section 2 was a nice contrast to Section 1.  The continued use of Color A provided a nice transition to this contrasting pattern.  Successful pattern mixing is achieved by combining a limited number of patterns and colors into a cohesive fabric.  Colormatic follows these principles by continuing Section 3 in the Zigzag pattern but in a different color combination.  You will be amazed at the gorgeous transition that is achieved with a simple swap of colors.

Continue Section 3 with the same chart used in Part Two except substitute Color C for the Main Color (MC) and Color D for the Contrasting Color (CC).  The only difference is that Section 3 is ended with Round 11 to set the stage for Section 4.  For your convenience I have posted the chart again and also updated the row instructions to reflect the new colors.

Can’t wait to finish Colormatic with you next week!

Happy knitting,


Part Three

Click here to download printable version


Using Color C for MC and Color D for CC, continue with larger needles and work Zigzag Pattern until section measures 6 (16)” ending after Round 11.



Zigzag Pattern

Round 1.  Using Color D – *k1, sl3, k3, sl3, k2; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 2.  Same as Round 1.

Round 3.  Using Color C – *k6, sl1, k3, sl1, k1; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 4.  Same as Round 3.

Round 5.  Using Color D – *sl1, k3, sl2, k2, sl1, k2, sl1; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 6.  Same as Round 5.

Round 7.  Using Color C – *k1, sl1, k1, sl1, k3, sl1, k1, sl1, k2; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 8.  Same as Round 7.

Round 9.  Using Color D – *k2, sl1, k2, sl2, k3, sl2; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 10.  Same as Round 9.

Round 11.  Using Color C – *sl,1, k3, sl1, k7; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 12.  Same as Round 11.


Work above rounds until piece measures desired length ending after Round 11.


See you October 24th to finish the cowl!

Colormatic – Part 2



I hope you enjoyed the simple beauty of color play in Section One!  After our somewhat fiddly start, I’m sure you found the knitting fast and easy.

Part Two of the cowl pattern brings a new color and a new stitch pattern.  Many of you know that I am a fashion aficionado and adore knitting stylish garments with a classic nod.  Pattern mixing has been a huge trend in fashion that easily translates to knitting.  I have paid careful attention to scale and color order in this cowl’s design to bring you the best in color and pattern mixing.  I know you will love the results!

Section Two is knit with Colors A and C in a mosaic zigzag pattern.  Mosaic patterns are a subcategory of slip stitch patterns that were pioneered by Barbara Walker.  These dense, two-color geometric designs may be worked in garter stitch, stockinette or a combination of the two.

While mosaic patterns range from simple to very complex, they become infinitely easier since they ALL follow these rules:

  • One color is used at a time for two consecutive rows.
  • All stitches are slipped as if to purl with yarn in back on right side rows and with yarn in front on wrong side rows.
  • Every wrong side row is worked the same as the preceding right side row – the same stitches are slipped and the same stitches are worked.

The Zigzag pattern used here is worked in stockinette.  Since we are knitting in the round with the right side always facing, every worked stitch will be in knit and all stitches are slipped with yarn in back.  Odd numbered rounds will alternate colors while the even numbered rounds are a repeat of the previous round.  I like to think of the even numbered rounds as “recovery” rounds since no thinking is required.

A traditional mosaic knitting  pattern is worked solely from a chart with only the right side rows indicated.  I have chosen to update this clue’s chart to a modern format that displays all rounds.  In circular knitting, as used here, the chart is read from bottom to top with each row read from right to left.  While I considered omitting written row instructions (forcing you to use the chart), I have included them for you to self-check your chart reading skills.  If you are new to charts, this double information can help you decode charts and give you the confidence to eliminate the sometimes cumbersome written instructions.  Chart reading is becoming more and more prevalent in publications and I consider it essential to knitting education.

Mosaic knitting creates a very dense fabric.  For this reason, Section 2 is worked in a needle one size larger.  The larger needle will help maintain a consistent size and drape throughout the cowl.  To switch needles, simply begin Round 1 of Section 2 by knitting the stitches onto the larger needle – no need to transfer the work.  If you are lucky enough to have a set of addi click interchangeable needles, I recommend changing the right hand needle to the larger size.  At the completion of the Round 1, change the left hand needle to the larger size as well.

Enjoy the knit and the new color pairing!

Happy knitting,


Part Two

Click here to download printable version


Section Two

Using Color A for MC and Color C for CC, change to larger needles and work Zigzag Pattern (see chart below) until section measures 6 (16)” ending after Round 12.



Zigzag Pattern

Round 1.  Using Color C – *k1, sl3, k3, sl3, k2; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 2.  Same as Round 1.

Round 3.  Using Color A – *k6, sl1, k3, sl1, k1; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 4.  Same as Round 3.

Round 5.  Using Color C – *sl1, k3, sl2, k2, sl1, k2, sl1; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 6.  Same as Round 5.

Round 7.  Using Color A – *k1, sl1, k1, sl1, k3, sl1, k1, sl1, k2; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 8.  Same as Round 7.

Round 9.  Using Color C – *k2, sl1, k2, sl2, k3, sl2; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 10.  Same as Round 9.

Round 11.  Using Color A – *sl,1, k3, sl1, k7; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 12.  Same as Round 11.


Work above rounds until piece measures desired length ending after Round 12.


See you October 17th for Section 3!


Colormatic – Part 1


October KAL

Welcome to the Progressive Needles Knit Along sponsored by Skacel Collection.  The mission of the KAL is to further your knitting education while having some fun along the way.  Our Fall pattern, Colormatic, certainly meets these expectations and more!  Colormatic is a beautiful cowl featuring my recent obsession – color knitting.  I adore watching colorfully complex patterns flow from my needles especially if they are deceivingly simple to execute.

Before we begin, here’s a quick overview of how the KAL works:

  • A portion of the four-part pattern is revealed here every Thursday in October.  The complete pattern, video resources and lots of helpful tips are included in each post.  An abbreviated, pattern-only version is included to download.
  • All techniques are supported with video instruction at
  • All questions and comments are monitored daily both here and in the Knit Purl Hunter group on Ravelry.  It’s like having your own private knitting tutor!
  • Completed projects are eligible for the monthly prize drawing – first prize is a set of addi Clicks!  See for all the info.
  • Weekly prizes are awarded to knitters who locate the prize “clues” hidden in the Skacel and Knit Purl Hunter websites or on the Skacel Collection Facebook page.  A small tag line will be inserted in the sites at random intervals with instructions on how to claim the prize.  (Example: Be the first to email “I love addis” in the subject line, etc.)  One weekly prize per knitter, please.

Colormatic is knit with four colors of the delicious Kenzie yarn.  This gorgeous tweed provides superior stitch definition in a yarn that blooms and softens to a luxurious texture with blocking.  The most difficult aspect of the project is deciding how to order the colors within the cowl.  Colormatic is knit in the round as a tube that will be closed in the finishing to create a circle.  The circle is divided into 4 sections of equal lengths – each section is one clue in our KAL.  Before beginning to knit, you must designate each of your colors as A, B, C and D.

Because this is a mystery, I can’t tell you what we are doing with the colors in each section but I have provided the schematic below to illustrate the placement of the colors in the cowl.  Each section is worked with two colors in the sequence indicated.  Take some time to play with your colors to determine the best way to arrange them.  As you can see, each color is used twice and in different combinations.  Aim for pairings that provide contrast, but don’t over think too much – every combination is beautiful!  The sample cowl was worked with A-#1009 Oceania (navy), B-#1006 Kumara (orange), C-#1007 Kiwi (bright green), D-#1000 Pavlova (natural).  FYI: In the Colormatic Part 1 video (referenced below), I use Natural as Color A because it is easier to see on film. 


The next decision you must make is on the size of your cowl.  Each section is knit to the same length.    The pattern is written for a size Small – 24″ with four 6″ segments and Large – 64″ with four 16″ segments.  One skein of each color will yield a cowl up to 32″ with four 8″ segments.  Two skeins of each color will yield a cowl up 68″ with four 17″ segments.  I will trust your good math skills to calculate the size that suits you.

Below is a schematic of the cowl as it appears before joining the tube in the finishing step.  When lying flat, the tube measures approximately 7″ across.  I love cowls that are constructed in this manner because it creates a double sided fabric with no wrong sides showing.


With all of the decisions made, it’s time to start knitting.  Part One features a simple slip stitch pattern which is the hallmark of color knitting.  Slip stitch designs make beautiful color work with only one color used per round – it’s magically easy!  The slipped stitches in this design follow the general rule – slip as if to purl with yarn in back.

We begin by casting on using the Provisional Cast On method.  This cast on is worked with waste yarn and a crochet hook.  The waste yarn is removed at the end of the project to reveal live stitches that are then grafted to close the tube.  (Don’t fret – I have a fantastic new video in Part 4 to guide you!)  Because the waste yarn will be removed, it is best to use a smooth yarn.  If you are new to the cast on, check out my Provisional Cast On video to learn this vital technique.

The first few rounds of the cowl are a bit fiddly with juggling yarns, etc. so I have a VERY helpful video full of great tips and tricks to get you off to a smooth start – see Colormatic, Part 1 Video.  I’ll explain here how it works but it’s SOOOOO much easier to demonstrate than explain.

After the Provisional Cast On, a Set Up Round is worked in Color B.  The Set Up is worked as if you are knitting in the round.  A piece is truly joined in the round when the working yarn from the last stitch is used to work the first stitch – this working yarn is the “bridge” that joins them together.  Since the stitches were cast on in waste yarn, Color B does not join the round.  To make things easier I “cheat” using a removable marker to hook the first and last stitches together to simulate working in the round.  Remember to leave an 80″ tail with Color B!  This is the yarn that will be used to seam our tube together.

I STRONGLY suggest placing a lifeline through the Set Up Round to make the removal of the waste yarn much easier in the finishing process.  See Lifelines Video.

After placing the lifeline, begin working the Saw Tooth Stripes pattern.  Round 1 of the pattern is worked in Color A.  Again we are starting the round with a new yarn so there is nothing to bridge the last stitch of the Set Up Round with this new round.  In Round 2 of the Saw Tooth Stripes we will be officially joined in the round because you will continue to knit in Color A which will bridge the last stitch of Round 1 to the first stitch of Round 2.  Remove the “cheater” marker and proceed in the round as usual.

Work Section One until piece measures desired length ending after Round 3 to set the stage for next week’s Section Two.

Happy knitting,


Part One

Click here to download printable version


Short (Long) – 24 (64)” loop, 7” wide.


Approximately 20 stitches = 4 inches in stockinette with smaller needle.


  • 4 (8) skeins Kenzie by HiKoo, 50% New Zealand merino, 25% nylon, 10% angora, 10% alpaca, 5% silk noils 1(2) each in four different colors.  (Sample colors: A-#1009, B-#1006, C-#1007, D-#1000)
  • US #7 (4.5mm) 16” circular needle
  • US #8 (5mm) 16” circular needle
  • Size G or H crochet hook
  • Waste yarn
  • Stitch markers


sl – slip as if to purl with yarn in back.  See Slip Stitch Video


Set Up

See Colormatic – Part 1 Video

With crochet hook and waste yarn, cast on 84 stitches onto smaller needle using Provisional Cast On method.  See Provisional Cast On Video

Taking care not to twist, place a marker and join stitches as if knitting in the round.

With Color B and leaving an 80” tail (VERY important!) for finishing, knit one round.

I recommend placing a lifeline through this round to aid in the provisional cast on removal at the end of the project.  See Lifelines Video

Section One

Using Colors A and B, work Saw Tooth Stripes pattern (below) for 6 (16)” ending after Round 3.

Saw Tooth Stripes

Round 1.  With Color A – *sl 1, k1; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 2.  With Color A – knit.

Round 3.  With Color A –  knit.

Round 4.  With Color B – *k1, sl 1; repeat from * to end of round.

Round 5.  With Color B – knit.

Round 6.  With Color B – knit.


See you October 10th for Part 2!