Accurately assess the number of stitches and rows in garter stitch.
Tag: basic techniques
Slip Stitch Edge
Decorative edge suitable for garter stitch borders or any exposed edge.
Knitting Backwards (mirror knitting)
This handy trick replaces the wrong side purl row in flat knitting thus eliminating the need to turn the work. A huge timesaver in bobbles and entrelac!
Double Yarn Over (yo twice)
A Double Yarn Over creates two new stitches and results in a much larger hole than a single yarn over. This video demonstrates a Double Yarn Over between knit and purl stitches for both Western and Continental knitters.
Yarn Over at Beginning of Row
Starting a row with a yarn over adds a lovely lace edge to knitting. Kick your knitting up a notch with this decorative treatment!
Knit Through the Back Loop (ktbl)
Knitting through the back loop of a stitch on the left hand needle will twist, or reorient, the stitch as it moves onto the right hand needle. Knitting through the back loop can twist a stitch to make it firmer or untwist a stitch that has been incorrectly seated on the needle. It is also used to create some interesting stitch patterns.
Purl Through the Back Loop (ptbl)
Purling through the back loop twists the stitch and is often used to create interesting design elements.
Yarn Over (Continental)
Continental knitters (yarn held in the left hand) execute a yarn over stitch differently from the Western-style knitters who hold the working yarn in the right hand. Continental knitters will love how easy it is to execute the simple yarn over increase.