Knitted Cast On

I love the knitted cast on for several reasons. First of all, it is how my grandmother taught me to cast on when I was a young girl and I can still see her steady hands guiding me through the process. I’m sure she chose this method because it is an easy cast on for beginners since it mimics the knit stitch. Secondly, unlike the long tail cast on, it requires no calculation of the tail length making it perfect for projects requiring many stitches. It is a loose cast making it suitable for afghans or scarves. I also use it when making a hemmed picot edge because the loopy edge makes for easy hemming.
Give this cast on a try and maybe you can pass along your love of knitting to the next generation!

Knot Stitch

Add a beautiful textured appearance to your knitting with this simple stitch. P2tog leaving the stitches on the left hand needle. Now, work a k2tog into the same two stitches and remove from the left hand needle.
The knot stitch is worked over an even number of stitches. Although there are two decreases, the stitch count remains constant because each pair of stitches is worked twice.

Left Twist

The left twist is a bit trickier to execute than its counterpart the right twist, but these two stitches open the door to many design possibilities. There are several ways to create that finicky left twist, but I demonstrate the simplest in this video. Give it a whirl and enjoy all the new stitch opportunities!