
A lifeline is a piece of waste yarn inserted through a row of knitting. This waste yarn acts as a safety net allowing you to unravel your knitting back to this point without the fear of losing all of your work. When working a complicated design, insert a lifeline after a successful row and you can always return to this point should your knitting go awry later. This video demonstrates how to utilize a lifeline and three options for inserting them into your knitting. Take the fear out of your knitting!

Long Tail Cast On

If you had to limit yourself to one cast on, this would be the one. The long tail cast on leaves a smooth edge with a firm, yet elastic tension. I always teach this cast on to beginner knitters since it is best to start off using the cast on with the most universal applications. If you haven’t tried it or need a refresher, take a peek at my video.

Loose Knit Column

Many knitters find a column of loose knit stitches on the left edge of their cables. This common phenomenon occurs in knitting when transitioning from a knit stitch to a purl stitch. To minimize the loose stitch, purl the first stitch after the knit column by wrapping the yarn clockwise around the needle. On the following row, this stitch will be twisted. Knit this stitch through the back loop to untwist it.

Make One Increase

A make one increase (M1) is a nearly invisible increase creating a knit stitch. Many of today’s designers prefer the make one over the popular kfb (knit into front and back of stitch) which creates a knit stitch followed by a purl stitch. Discriminating knitters can use the Make One Left and Make One Right for beautiful leaning increases in gussets and yokes. Confused? Watch my newest video and try this easy to execute increase.
A make one is featured in my Super Simple Heel.