Right Twist

Twisted stitches create the look of cable stitches without the use of a cable needle. Right twists are simple to execute and are often used to complement cable patterns. I used this stitch in my Laughing Matter socks and, of course, incorporated it into the Building Blocks series. After watching the video tutorial, try this beauty of a stitch in your next project!

Rosette Stitch

The Rosette Stitch is a beautiful pattern that is very simple to execute and may be worked over any multiple of even numbered stitches.

Row 1. (Right Side) Knit.
Row 2. *P2tog leaving the stitches on left hand needle, k2tog these same stitches and remove from left hand needle; repeat from * to end of row.
Row 3. Knit.
Row 4. P1, *P2tog leaving the stitches on left hand needle, k2tog these same stitches and remove from left hand needle; repeat from * to last stitch, p1.

Russian Join

The Russian Join is a great way to join a new skein of yarn in the midst of a project. This join is very sturdy with minimal bulk added to the fabric. Best of all, there are no tails to weave in! I especially like to use the Russian Join in shawls to eliminate the pesky tails that seem to pop out even after careful weaving.