Short Row Heel – Part 2

The second part of the short row heel seems to give knitters the most trouble. Picking up the wraps can be tricky until you recognize which strand to pick up and how it should be knit. Let me help you through this step and you can become a fan of this quick and professional looking heel. Watch both Part 1 and Part 2 and you will be cruising through your heels!

Slip Stitch

SLIP STITCH RULE: Unless otherwise stated, a stitch is slipped as if to purl with yarn in back. This action allows the slipped stitch to sit untwisted on the right hand needle with the working yarn hidden on the wrong side. Sometimes a designer will spell this rule out for you in their pattern. If there are no specific directions on how to slip a stitch, follow the above rule. Of course there are many other ways to slip a stitch – as if to knit, with yarn if front, etc. – and these are the “otherwise stated” exceptions. The following video demonstrates the basic slip stitch and several variations.