
Learn to repair your knitting with this simple technique. The ability to unknit stitches allows you to remove mistakes without ripping out the work. The video shows you how to work back to the mistake by removing both knit and purl stitches. The ability to repair your work takes the fear out of knitting.

Unknit is often referred to as “tink”. Tink is the word knit spelled backwards. You will be just as clever with the new found repair skills!

Vertical Seam (Side Seam)

I love to use seed stitch to frame all sorts of knitting stitches.  Seed stitch lies flat and makes for easy seaming which is why I chose it to border my Building Blocks squares.  Simply work your way up a side seam by picking up the bumps going from side to side and your seam will be nearly invisible.

Who said finishing had to be difficult? Watch the vertical seam video and see if you agree!

Weave in Ends

Every knitted piece will have at least two ends, or “tails” to weave in at the completion of the project. It is especially nice to weave the ends in invisibly to give your knitting that professional touch. This video demonstrates how to do this on the wrong (purl) side of stockinette knitting. If your knitting is in a different pattern, simply follow along the path of one thread of yarn in the same manner as the video demonstrates. It really is quite simple and worth the few extra minutes it takes to do.